San Diego in April



“The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.”



Whether you’re traveling for spring break or just a springtime getaway, San Diego is one of the best places you can visit in April. While much of the country is still straddling the fine line between winter and spring, San Diego in beautiful Southern California is fully basked in warm sunlight and cloudless skies. The ocean water still hasn’t warmed up to summer temperatures, but the beaches around San Diego are some of the best you can find in the U.S. at this time of year.

Each month I have special fun events I want to show you so that you get the most out of this beautiful city, but this month is a little different.

We can’t leave our homes and need to shelter in place to keep ourselves and those around us safe and healthy.

So I have come up with a list of ideas of things to do at home.


  Sort and tag your digital photos

  Make a collage of family photos

  Research your next holiday

  Zoom or Gotomeeting lunch with friends

  Declutter – one room or drawer at a time

  Research a charity to support

  Prep and freeze some meals

  Start a gratitude journal

  Write letters to people, and mail them

  Research something you have always wondered about

  Do a spa day in your home (mani/pedi, bubble bath)

  Write an advice letter to the teenager you were

  Write another to yourself in 20 years

  Learn a heritage skill like: baking, woodworking, preserving, mosaic, ceramics, cheese making, fermenting, quilting, soap making, candle making, crochet or knitting, home remedies, sewing

  Draw an apple using a different technique every day

  Catch up on all the classic movies

  Learn to say a favorite phrase in 7 different languages

  Create a vision board

  Create a detailed spreadsheet on how you

would spend $10 Million

  Write a poem or story

  Start a journal or blog

  Read the top 50 books of all time

  Spruce up your resume

 Start your novel

 Try a new art project

 Plant or revamp your garden

 Practice mindfulness

 Meditate

 Make a cookbook of family recipes

 Create homemade gifts

 Call old friends

 Play board/card games

 Design your dream home

 Kick a bad habit

 Join a virtual book club

 Update your goals

 Upcycle something

 Build a website

 Re-arrange your furniture

 Start a dream journal

 Join an online community

 Host a Skype/Zoom party

 Cook a gourmet meal

 Create a treasure hunt

 Try online grocery shopping

 Dress up and have a “formal” party at home

 Organize your music playlist

 Reorganize your wardrobe

 Clean up your hard drive or phone by deleting files and apps you don’t use

 Have a block party with everyone staying 6 feet apart

 Try some science experiments

 Hold a family or street sing-along

 Deliver supplies to those in need

 Sew face masks for local hospitals

 Create a marketing plan for the whole year

 Create a list of things to be happy about



Most events and activities have been canceled or pushed out. It all makes sense to be cautious. No need to panic. If we all use common sense, listen to the health officials’ warnings and all do our part, we can get through this! Below is a list of fun and interesting things online to keep you and your family busy during this time.


Lunch doodles with Mo Willems:

San Diego Zoo:

Calming kids crafts: stay-safe-stay-inspired/calming-kids-craft-ideas

Free books on Audible:

Club SciKidz:


Khan Academy: TED Talks: www.

Netflix Documentaries: documentaries-you-can-add-to-your-homeschool

So much to do, so much to see!


If you want to see a home sometime this month, check out all my Featured Listings, and message me or contact me here.

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