Summer Entertaining Tips
Is summer the easiest time of year to entertain?
The hardest part is finding a date when all your friends and loved ones are free to come over. Once that’s done, though, the rest is smooth sailing. Plus, Summer menu, keep it super simple.
Backyard BBQ’s are a summer staple, especially here in San Diego. Want to learn how to entertain like a pro tho? I have a few tips for you!
“There’s just nothing better than having twinkle lights strung above your picnic table.”
Entertain Casual
Fill a pretty metal bucket or unique bucket with ice instead of using a generic cooler to chill drinks. Also, DIY flower arrangements using backyard clippings and funky vases. Adds a pop of flair and is super casual.
You can’t live without candles at a dinner party because they offer soft, flattering lighting and set the mood for a warm and inviting atmosphere. Plus make those citronella candles and you have yourself a bug-free, soft lighting party 😉
Fire Pit Party
If you have room in your backyard for a small fire pit, we strongly encourage it. A gathering around a fire will always feel extra intimate and encourage guests to stay and hang out longer. Plus, the fire will help keep the bugs away (Another point against bugs!)
Stick to the Classics
Testing a new recipe on a large group of people is not something I recommend. Something could go wrong, or it could just be plain bad, and you wasted all the time and money and everyone is hungry. Make an easy salad, BBQ some veggies, just do what you are good at.
Don’t forget something sweet. Of course, the last thing you are thinking of is turning on that oven in this heat, but there are so many no-bake treats you can provide. Either peruse Pinterest or just go for the good old popsicle or ice cream choice everyone loves during these hot months.
Drinks, Drinks, Drinks!
This is a party, isn’t it? If you want to offer more than just beer and wine, we suggest serving pitchers of cocktails. This way, you can make them ahead of time, and guests can help themselves and you don’t have to play bartender.
Don’t underestimate the power of music. You always have to have music. Make sure that during the dinner the music doesn’t interfere with the conversation tho. Have some nice subtle tunes, and maybe bust out the party tunes as time progresses.
The perfect summer party is one where everyone is comfortable and enjoying their time. Don’t go overboard, this is just a casual get together of friends and family and will seal memories for a lifetime. Enjoy being the hostess!
Of course, we do not anticipate this in the Summer, but you never know.
“Always have a backup plan just in case it rains.”