Work from Home Spaces

  In response to the spread of Covid-19 in the U.S., a significant majority of Americans have been asked to stay home. A lot of people aside from essential workers aren’t going to work, this is resulting in a surge of people who are working from home for the very first time. The need for a home…

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Getting Ready For Fall

  “Love the trees until their leaves fall off, then encourage them to try again next year.” You may be ready for Fall, but is your home ready? It’s not all pumpkin spice lattes and witches brows… Living in San Diego we don’t get “seasons.” We get mild seasons, basically one long summer with a…

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Tips for Packing while Selling Your Home

  When you need to keep packing while you are selling you home, what do you do? You need to have a spotless home to impress buyers, you want to ‘stage’ it with your stuff to make it feel homey and have them envision their stuff fitting in the same areas. So again, what do…

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Tips for a Bug-Free Home

  Summer is a great time with plenty of sunshine, picnics, and gardening. But, on the other hand, it’s also the season when more flies and other insects enter the home, which can be incredibly annoying. The ‘warmth’ of the time accelerates their life cycle, making their population increase. Because of their activities, they tend…

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Grow a Garden in a Small Space

  Just because you have a small yard, or no yard, doesn’t mean you can’t have a garden. Find clever ideas for creating gardens in urban or small spaces. Just because your outdoor space is at a minimum doesn’t mean you have to say goodbye to your dreams of a beautiful, plentiful garden. The good…

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